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英語の acquainted は「<物事を> 知っていて」や「<人と> 知り合いで」の意味があります。通例、be acquainted の形で用いられます。

acquainted の読み方




【acquainted の発音(男性声)】

【acquainted の発音(女性声)】


1. <物事を> 知っていて, 精通していて

  • She is acquainted with the company’s policies.
  • I hope to get acquainted with the local cuisine.
  • He became acquainted with different cultures during his travels.

acquainted は「<物事を> 知っていて, 精通していて」の意味があります。

例文(上)は be acquainted with、例文(中)は get acquainted with、例文(下)はbecome acquainted with の例です。

  • The teacher is well-acquainted with the subject matter.
  • It’s essential to be acquainted with the safety procedures in this lab.
  • I’d like to become better acquainted with your work.
  • We need to make the students acquainted with the library resources.
  • Let’s get you acquainted with our new project.

2. <人と> 知り合いで, 面識があって

  • I am acquainted with John.
  • Let’s get acquainted over a cup of coffee.
  • They became acquainted at a networking event.

acquainted は「<人と> 知り合いで, 面識があって」の意味でも使われます。

オックスフォード現代英英辞典(第10版)では “not close friends with somebody, but having met a few times before”(親しい友人ではないが, 以前に何度か会った)と定義されています。日本語で言う「面識がある」くらいのニュアンスと捉えると良いでしょう。

  • We were well-acquainted before we started working together.
  • Are you acquainted with the new employee in the office?
  • They got acquainted through mutual friends.
  • She decided to make her parents acquainted with her new boyfriend.
  • Can you get me acquainted with the team members?
It was nice getting acquainted with you.

It was nice getting acquainted with you. は「お知り合いになれてうれしく存じます」の意味で使われるイディオムです。堅い言い方です。

  • It was nice getting acquainted with you at the conference.

形容詞 acquainted は叙述用法(S be acquainted)のみで使われます。


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