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英語のas toの使い方!読み方・意味・例文をわかりやすく説明!



英語の as to は「…について」の意味をあらわす複合前置詞です。

as to の読み方

as to

アズ トゥー

/əz/ /tə/

【as to の発音(男性声)】

【as to の発音(女性声)】

as toの使い方

1. …について

  • She was clear as to the instructions for the assignment.
  • Scientists have developed a new theory as to the origin of the universe.
  • He’s uncertain as to whether he should accept the job offer.

as to は「…について」の意味で使われます。


  • They seemed confused as to the rules of the game.
  • The report poses a question as to the safety of the new product.
  • He’s seeking advice to help him make a decision as to his career path.
  • His actions have raised doubts as to his honesty.
  • We are waiting for an explanation as to the sudden power outage.
  • Her smile was an indication as to her happiness.
  • She couldn’t decide as to which dress to wear to the party.
  • I was confused as to what was going on.
  • Can you explain to me as to what it means in simple terms?
    (どのような意味なのか, 簡単な言葉で説明してくれますか)
  • I’m curious as to what it’s like to work in the fashion industry.
  • The children are curious as to what’s inside the mystery box.
  • We’re still unsure as to whether or not we should cancel the event.
    (イベントを中止すべきかどうか, まだ迷っています)
  • The committee is discussing as to who should be the next chairman.
  • I’m not sure as to why he canceled our meeting.
  • They were at a loss as to why the project failed.
  • The manual provides a clear explanation as to how to assemble the furniture.
  • He’s inquiring as to how much money he needs to save for a down payment on a house.

2. …について言えば

  • As to the weather, it looks like we’ll have clear skies all week.
    (天気について言えば, 今週はずっと晴れそうです)

as to は「…について言えば」の意味で、新しい話題を導入する用法もあります。

as for を使った言い換えも可能

この意味の as to は、as for による言い換えも可能です。

as for の詳しい説明は別記事にあるため、より詳しく知りたい方はご覧ください。

as to によって導かれる話題は、前の文に多かれ少なかれ、関連する内容が求められます。以下の長文の例を見てみましょう。

  • His performance in the recent exams has shown remarkable improvement, demonstrating his dedication to his studies. As to his future goals, he aspires to pursue a career in research and development.
    (最近の試験での彼の成績は目覚ましく向上しており, 勉強への熱心さがうかがえます. 将来の目標としては, 研究開発の道に進みたいと考えています)

3. …に応じて

  • The books in the library are classified as to genre and author.

as to は「…に応じて」の意味で使われることもあります。

  • The smartphone comes in different models as to size.
  • The cars are available in various options as to color.


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