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英語の considerable は「かなりの」の意味の形容詞、considerably は「かなり」の意味の副詞です。

considerable の読み方・使い方




【considerable の発音(男性声)】

【considerable の発音(女性声)】

1. かなりの, 相当な

  • A considerable number of students attended the lecture.
  • The supermarket offers discounts for buying a considerable quantity of groceries.
  • She is a person of considerable talent in the field of music.

considerable は「<大きさ・距離・程度などが> かなりの, 相当な」の意味で使用される形容詞です。

例文(上)のように a considerable number of O の形でよく使われます。例文(下)のように person of considerable A の形で使われることもあります。

  • The chef added a considerable amount of spice to the dish.
  • He donated a considerable sum of money to the charity.
  • A successful app can generate considerable income.
  • The satellite transmits data over a considerable distance.
  • The teacher’s words had a considerable influence on the students’ attitudes.
  • The forest fire has damaged the ecosystem to a considerable extent.
  • Running a farm demands considerable labor every day.
    (農場の経営は毎日, かなりの労働力を要求とします)
  • The computer virus caused considerable trouble for the company’s IT department.
  • The author spent a considerable time researching for the book.
  • There is a considerable overlap in the skills required for these two jobs.
  • The team’s victory was the result of considerable collective effort.
  • The students felt considerable pressure to perform well on the final exams.
  • Maintaining a yacht involves considerable expenses.
  • The students have made considerable progress in their language skills this semester.
    (今学期, 生徒たちの語学力はかなり向上しました)
  • The economic downturn led to considerable loss.
  • Their investment strategy resulted in considerable profit.
  • The flood resulted in considerable damage.

これまで紹介した例のように、considerable は通例、抽象名詞と共に使われます。ただし、アメリカ英語では、物質名詞に使用されることもあります。

  • The airline charged extra for carrying considerable luggage.
considerable が叙述用法で使われる場合

considerable は叙述用法(= be動詞の後)でも用いられます。次の例文はオックスフォード現代英英辞典(第10版)からの引用です。

  • Damage to the building was considerable.

2. 注目に値する, 無視できない

  • She made a considerable remark about the importance of teamwork.
  • The survey revealed a considerable fact about people’s eating habits.

considerable は「注目に値する, 無視できない」の意味で使われることもあります。

(a) considerable of O のように、considerable を名詞として用いる場合もあります。ただし、この用法はくだけた言い方、あるいは方言のため、積極的な使用は控えたほうが良いでしょう。

considerably の読み方・使い方




【considerably の発音(男性声)】

【considerably の発音(女性声)】

かなり, 相当

  • Winter here is considerably colder.
  • Exercise can considerably reduce heart disease risk.
  • Prices have risen considerably.

considerably は「かなり, 相当」の意味で使用される副詞です。


  • Safety is considerably more important than speed.
  • The temperature today is considerably higher than yesterday’s.
  • John is considerably taller than his younger brother.
  • The quality of customer service has considerably improved.
  • Crime rates vary considerably by location.
  • The population in the city has increased considerably.
  • Her cooking skills improved considerably.
  • The landscape changed considerably.
反義語 inconsiderable – inconsiderably

inconsiderable(取るに足らない)や inconsiderably(わずかに)は反義語として用いられます。

  • He spent a not inconsiderable amount of money on that luxury car.

considerable – considerably に比較変化はありません。


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