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英語の dissatisfaction は「不満」の意味で使われる名詞です。

  • express dissatisfaction at(…に不満を示す)








1. 不満, 不平

  • She posted on social media to express her dissatisfaction with the airline.
    (彼女はその航空会社に不満を示すため, ソーシャルメディアに投稿しました)

dissatisfaction は「不満」や「不平」の意味で使われます。

  • His body language revealed his dissatisfaction with the decision.
    (彼の身振りからは, その決定に不満を感じていることがわかりました)
  • They boycotted the event to show their dissatisfaction with the organization.
    (彼らはその組織に対する不満を示すため, イベントをボイコットしました)
  • The increase in prices caused much dissatisfaction among customers.
    (価格上昇は, 多くの顧客の不満を引き起こしました)
  • The decrease in product quality excited general dissatisfaction among consumers.
    (製品品質の低下は, 消費者全般の不満を招きました)
  • Her constant snacking exhibited dissatisfaction with her diet.
    (彼女の絶え間ないおやつは, 彼女の食事に対する不満を表していました)
  • The unavailability of certain items occasioned dissatisfaction among shoppers.
    (特定の商品が入手できないことが, 買い物客たちの不満を招きました)
  • They hosted a barbecue to overcome the dissatisfaction of their neighbors with noisy construction.
    (うるさい工事に不満を感じる隣人の不満を解消するため, バーベキューを開催しました)
  • The failure to meet deadlines produced dissatisfaction among investors.
    (締め切りの遅れは, 投資家たちの不満を引き起こしました)
  • They could sense their team’s dissatisfaction with the new policies.
  • He spoke with his parents, sharing his dissatisfaction with their expectations.
    (彼は両親と話して, 期待に対する不満を共有しました)
  • He voiced his dissatisfaction during the meeting that the new policy was unfair.
    (彼は会議中に, 新しい方針が不公平だと不満を述べました)
  • She raised their eyebrows to signify her dissatisfaction at the new rules.
  • He let out a heavy sigh to indicate his dissatisfaction at the situation.
  • She smiled politely to veil her dissatisfaction with the service.
    (彼女はサービスに不満を抱いていることを隠すため, 丁寧に微笑みました)
  • Her deep dissatisfaction was obvious to everyone.
    (彼女の深い不満は, 誰もが明らかに気づいていました)
  • There was evident dissatisfaction among students.
  • The new rules caused general dissatisfaction.
  • He expressed keen dissatisfaction with the results.
  • There’s increasing dissatisfaction with the management.
  • The report noted rising dissatisfaction.
  • There’s growing dissatisfaction with the service.
  • Mounting dissatisfaction was evident in the survey.
  • She couldn’t hide her personal dissatisfaction.
  • His profound dissatisfaction was voiced clearly.
  • There’s serious dissatisfaction among staff.
  • He felt grave dissatisfaction with the decision.
  • She expressed slight dissatisfaction daily.
  • There’s strong dissatisfaction with the policy.
  • Unending dissatisfaction was evident in his tone.
  • She expressed vague dissatisfaction with her current role.
  • Widespread dissatisfaction was evident in the community.

dissatisfaction は通例、不可算用法で用いられます。


  • She felt a lingering dissatisfaction with her job.

dissatisfaction の反義語は satisfaction(満足)です。


通例, 不可算用法

2. 不満の種

  • They tried to resolve their own personal dissatisfactions together.

dissatisfaction は「不満の種」の意味で使われることがあります。

可算用法; 通例, 複数形で使われます


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