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英語の satisfaction は「満足」の意味で使われる名詞です。

  • 例: customer satisfaction(顧客満足)








1. 満足, 満足すること, 満足感

  • He fixed the bike with a smile of satisfaction.

satisfaction は「満足」、「満足すること」、「満足感」の意味で使われます。


  • As she looked at what she had created, she felt a quiet satisfaction.
    (自分が作り上げたものを見て, 彼女は静かな満足を感じました)

出典: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 6th


  • He was enjoying all the satisfactions of being a parent.

出典: オックスフォード現代英英辞典(第10版)

satisfaction(満足)の反義語は dissatisfaction(不満)です。


  • She finished her book with a look of satisfaction.
  • With a sense of satisfaction, she completed the marathon.
    (満足感を持って, 彼女はマラソンを完走しました)
  • The survey showed a high level of satisfaction.
  • He solved the puzzle with a feeling of satisfaction.
  • Volunteering is a major source of satisfaction for her.
  • Completing the puzzle gave her great satisfaction.
  • She felt deep satisfaction after helping a friend.
    (友人を助けた後, 彼女は深い満足感を感じました)
  • He experienced real satisfaction from learning a new skill.
  • The meal provided complete satisfaction to the diners.
  • She found personal satisfaction in her daily yoga practice.
  • Reading a book by the fireplace provided him with quiet satisfaction.
  • Job satisfaction increased when the team achieved their targets.
    (チームが目標を達成したとき, 仕事の満足度が向上しました)
  • The company prioritized customer satisfaction by offering excellent service.
    (会社は優れたサービスを提供することで, 顧客満足を最優先にしました)
  • He got satisfaction from fixing the broken appliance.
  • The chef gains a great deal of satisfaction from creating new recipes.
  • She derives satisfaction from learning new languages.
  • He took great satisfaction in achieving his fitness goals.
  • He found satisfaction in volunteering at the local shelter.
  • She expressed satisfaction with the level of service provided.
  • He watched in satisfaction as his team scored the winning goal.
  • She heard the news of her promotion with satisfaction.
  • We’ll do our best to meet your satisfaction with our services.
  • Achieving the goal gave him much satisfaction.
  • He had the satisfaction of achieving his lifelong dream.
  • Her satisfaction with the movie was evident from her big smile.
    (彼女の満面の笑みからは, 映画に対する満足感が伝わってきました)
  • Paint the picture for your own satisfaction, not for others’ approval.
    (他人の承認のためではなく, 自分自身の満足のために絵を描きましょう)

不可算用法; 時に可算用法

2. 満足させるもの(こと)

  • Writing my first book was one of my greatest satisfactions.
    (私の処女作を書いたことは, もっとも満足させることの1つでした)

satisfaction は「満足させるもの(こと)」の意味で使われることがあります。

  • It is a great satisfaction to me that my children are happy.
    (子どもたちが幸せであることは, 私にとって大きな喜びです)


3. <願望・必要などの> 達成, 充足

  • I work hard for the satisfaction of my goals.

satisfaction は「<願望などの> 達成」や「充足」の意味で使われることがあります。

「<条件などを> 満たすこと」の意味

「<条件などを> 満たすこと」の意味で用いられることもあります。

  • The equipment meets the satisfaction of safety standards.
  • Nutritious food is essential for the satisfaction of basic human needs.
    (栄養価の高い食品は, 人間の基本的な欲求を満たすために不可欠です)


4. <借金などの> 返済

  • She sold her car to make satisfaction for a debt.
    (彼女は借金を返済するため, 車を売りました)

satisfaction は「<借金などの> 返済」の意味で使われることがあります。

「<苦情などへの> 満足いく回答」の意味

「<苦情などへの> 満足いく回答」の意味で使われることもあります。

  • I got no satisfaction from the customer service department.
  • He demanded satisfaction for the incorrect billing.
  • They made a final payment to the creditor in full satisfaction of the debt.
    (彼らは債権者に最終的な支払いを行い, 債務を完全に返済しました)



to O’s satisfaction

  • The meal was cooked to my satisfaction.

to O’s satisfaction は「Oが満足するように」の意味で使われるイディオムです。

  • Can you demonstrate to our satisfaction that the inventory management system reduces stockouts?
    (在庫管理システムによって在庫切れが減少していることを, 私たちが満足するように見せてもらえますか)


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